IFIPTM 2008 - Privacy, Security, and Trust Management in a World Without Borders

Trondheim, Norway
18 Jun 2008 - 09:00
Event Type: 

After a good start in Moncton, Canada, where the 1st Joint IFIPTM conference took place in 2007, the second one will be held during midsummer in Trondheim, Norway, in June 2008. It will provide a truly global platform for the reporting of research, development, policy and practice in the interdependent areas of Privacy, Security, and Trust.

Following the traditions inherited from the highly successful iTrust and PST conference series, IFIPTM08 focuses on trust, privacy and security from multidisciplinary perspectives: economy, legal, psychology, philosophy, sociology and information technology. It will be an arena for discussion about relevant problems from both research and practice in the areas of academia, business, and government.

Extended Submission Deadline for Papers, Workshop and Tutorial Proposals: January 18, 2008 The IFIPTM 2008 conference will present a stimulating mix of keynote speakers, research papers, workshops, panel discussions and social events.

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