Certificate Authority Administrator

ASRC has an opportunity in Sterling, VA for a Systems Administrator.  Successful candidates will be able go through the clearance process.   This position will be responsible for PKI certificate generation, revocation and maintenance.  Data integrity checks along with minor databse administration and maintenance are also a part of the responsibilties.  This position will take part in Certificate Authority root management, subordinate management, backup of the CA system, contingency planning and end user certificate management.


We seek an individual with a BS in a technical field and experience with SafeNet cryptographic hardware and experience  Entrust Security Manager is preferred.  Experience with Microsoft Windows administration, demontrated knowledge of PKI authentication, policies, practices and procdures as well as knowledge of token inssuance systems and device certificates.


If you or someone you know is interested, please contact Tracey Thomas at (717) 334-8389 or traceythomasrec@comcast.net.  This is a full-time position with a comprehensive benefits package.  ASRC is an EOE M/F/V/H

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